How to Program a 1994 Volkswagen Jetta Keyless Entry Remote Fob
Step by Step How to Programming Instructions:
NOTE: The FCC ID must match your other FOB; if you get a different FCC ID, this won’t work. If you don’t know the FCC ID, you’ll need to go to the dealer to find out which one you need. The FCC ID’s I know of are NBG730956 and M36HU01WT. This is NOT for the Hella system.
Put one key in the on position in the ignition (do not start) and put another key in the driver’s door and turn to the unlock position (counterclockwise) and hold til it beeps three times, about 10-15 seconds, then return to center position (leave in the door).
Then, hit one of the FOB buttons (if you have more than one, you must program all FOBs at the same time or else ones that worked won’t work anymore).
The horn will beep once for the number of FOB, example: 1 beep for the first FOB, 2 beeps for the second, etc.
Then turn the door key back to left until the horn beeps three times to deactivate program mode, and remove the ignition key.
All done, test your FOBs.
If you don’t get a beep when you hit a button on the FOB, check the batteries in the FOB. Also, if your car didn’t come with any FOBs and you purchased them aftermarket, this will only work if you have a FACTORY alarm system. There will be a white box behind the headlight switch.