2006 Honda Pilot Keyless Entry Remote Fob Programming Instructions

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How to Program a  2006 Honda Pilot Keyless Entry Remote Fob

Step by Step How to Programming Instructions:
Have all remotes for the vehicle on hand. Make sure all the doors and rear hatch/trunk are closed during programming. You only need to use 1 remote to get into program mode but all remotes must be programmed during the same session. Each step must be completed within 5 seconds.

1. Sit in the car with all doors/trunk tightly closed

2. Turn the key to the ON position, marked by "II" on the ignition bezel so the dash lights come on, then within 5 seconds press the "Lock" button on the remote for 1 second or so and release the  button.

3. Turn the key to the OFF position, marked by "I" on the ignition bezel - dash lights go off.

4. Repeat steps 2 & 3 three more times (A total of 4 times) – each step must be done within 5 seconds of the previous step.

5. Upon the 4th turning of the key to "ON", press the lock button on one remote, the locks will make a cycling sound (clunk), locks will NOT lock or unlock at this point, they will just make a noise. The system is now in programming mode. Do not turn key off. 

6. Within 5 seconds of entering programming mode and within 5 seconds of each other, press the lock button ON EACH remote your are programming, for a second or so and release. This step needs to be completed within 10 seconds. Each time a remote button is pushed, the locks should cycle. Up to 3 remotes can be programmed.
7. Turn ignition completely off and remove the key. Step out and close the door. The remotes should be programmed and should work. If you have a trunk/hatch release, the button for this feature needs to held for a few seconds before the trunk/hatch will "pop".
This procedure will only program the remote portion of the key. Use the website below to find a locksmith in your area to program the key portion.
If your Pilot has a broken key you can Buy a Repair Kit Here.